New Sessions - A Deeper Dive

The ease and simplicity of this new session menu - a visioning that has been with me for quite some time - brings me so much joy. With great intention, and devotion of the last few years, I’ve sat in contemplation over this shift and what it feels like I’m stepping away from, and towards. There is a sweet and tender goodbye in this for me (some of you may feel the same) but also an excited curiosity of what I’m making room to invite in to Full Heart Healing’s future. These new sessions will be posted to the website and available for scheduling as of Saturday, June 15th.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about this growth, you can read more here or email me here.

Sepal Session

The Sepal (see-pel) of a flower is the outermost layer of a flowers petals. Often green and leaf-like, this collection of four to six petals surround the developing flower bud. It’s key responsibilities are to protect the flower as it grows and emerges, keeping it Hydrated and well, and supporting the brilliant petals in there majesty and radiant, full bloom of beauty.

A deepening away from focus on the external. Therapeutic support for every layer of you that invites your most healthy beauty to shine through. Priority in the Sepal Session is given to myofascial release of the neck, chest, shoulders, scalp and face. Full body lymphatic drainage attention, intraoral (or buccal) massage work, and deep tension unwinding are to be expected, lending to spaciousness and flow of circulation far beyond the face. As always the nectar of every Full Heart Healing session is the nourishment of your central nervous system. Intuitively sensing what’s needed in order to achieve deep, uninterrupted rest, allowing for lingering in the liminal spaces somewhere between sleep and peaceful wake. An option for craniosacral work and energetic medicine will provide for your entire being and brighten your natural beauty from inside out.

This massage session is supported by light applications of Apis Apotheca organic herbal medicine products used as massage mediums and as needed. Plant and flower energetic medicines, intuitively selected to support your unique energy at the time of session, and a range of extremely effective massage tools can be called upon to lend even more detailed care.

The Sepal Session will be offered in a variety of session lengths: ninety minutes and two hours - with sixty minute sessions available for clients who are visiting monthly

Soma Session

Journeying back into one’s body is a somatic celebration. a defeat of all influences that strive to keep one in disconnect from all that is grounded in strength and SELF-SUSTAINING. to find stillness within one’s own body is the ultimate healing elixir.

Slow and very observing touch is capable of hearing requests from the body. This type of care feels like a dance that welcomes your body, your energy, your wisdom to take the lead. Myofascial massage, practiced over two decades of education, shifts even the most stubborn stagnation and stuck tissues into warm, melting butter. Allowing for a flush of circulation to bring aliveness to our lesser moving parts, to channel lymphatic flow to toxin elimination centers and boost our energy and immune response. Deeper work can be pursued, with great success and lasting relief from aches, pains and tension once the body feels trusting and feel open to softening.

Hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, and plant medicine are all woven into the Soma Session to increase the therapeutic benefit of the massage practice. LomiLomi (the extremely rhythmic and luxuriously oily traditional massage medicine of the Hawaiian Islands), CranioSacral (gentle palpation and therapeutic manipulations of the cerebrospinal rhythms, great for stress, TMD, headaches/migraines, sinus pressure and more), and a range of tuning forks may be incorporated.

The soma session will be offered in a variety of session lengths: one hour, ninety minutes, and two hours - with longer sessions highly encouraged

Sacral Session

the deepest honoring of the sacred tides within our physical rhythms and energy body.

One’s body has many pulses and rhythms of vitality. When they are free to flow and move unimpeded, we feel greater ease of movement, a more balanced and grounded central nervous system, healthy breath, and a strong heart. The Sacral Session is a unique massage session that attunes to your unique rhythms by locating and gently but directly addressing potential challenges to your natural flow. Through either CranioSacral Therapy or intuitive energy healing, or an intricately woven and supportive combination of both, your body, mind and spirit will feel held and provided for.

Energetic and/or emotional release can occur for some during this session. This is welcome and all expressions will be honored and trauma-educated space will be held, tenderly.

The soma sessions will be offered in a variety of session lengths: one hour and ninety minutes - with longer sessions highly encouraged

Neva Rose